Enroll at KVSC
Pre School
Kankakee Valley School Corporation is proud to house a developmental preschool in cooridination with Cooperative School Services. For more information on Peer applications, contact Rosie Van Syoc.
For information on School start times please see our building start times.
The documents required for pre-registration/enrollment can be obtained via any of the following:
- A downloadable “Pre-Registration/Enrollment Packet” [English] [Español]
- August 1 - May 31-- A packet can be picked up at each school building office (see addresses to the right)
- June 1 - July 31--A packet can be picked up at the Corporation Office
Cooperative School Services Forms
Before your child can be pre-registered/enrolled, all completed forms must be submitted, and the following documentation must be included:
- New Student Pre-Registration/Enrollment Checklist
- New Student Pre-Registration/Enrollment Form
- Residency Verification Affidavit Form
- Including 2 Proof of residency items (e.g. Utility Bill, Driver’s License, etc.)
- See Residency Verification form for complete list of acceptable documentation
- Home Language Survey
- Child’s Birth Certificate
- Child’s Immunization Records
- Custody Paperwork (if applicable)
Office Locations
- (K-3) DeMotte Elementary School, 1000 S. Halleck St., DeMotte, IN 46310
- (K-3) Wheatfield Elementary School, 251 South Center Street, Wheatfield, IN 46392
- (Pre-K) Kankakee Valley High School, 3923 W. State Road 10, Wheatfield, IN 46392
- Corporation Offices, 2021 North 550 West, Wheatfield, IN 46392
After Pre-Registration is completed, you will receive information on how to proceed to the next process--Online Registration
Students must be at least 5 years of age on or before August 1st of the year they are attending. Students must live inside the boundaries of Kankakee Valley School Corportation. If you live outside of our boundries and would like your student to attend, they will be placed on a Out of District Wait-List in accordance with Kankakee Valley School Corportation Policy.
- Use the boundary map to determine which school your student will attend. The school your student attends is determined by your home address.
- For School start times see our building start times.
Before your child can be pre-registered/enrolled, all completed forms must be submitted, and the following documentation must be included:
- New Student Pre-Registration/Enrollment Checklist
- New Student Pre-Registration/Enrollment Form
- Residency Verification Affidavit Form
- Including 2 Proof of residency items (e.g. Utility Bill, Driver’s License, etc.)
- See Residency Verification form for complete list of acceptable documentation
- Home Language Survey
- Child’s Birth Certificate
- Child’s Immunization Records
- Custody Paperwork (if applicable)
The documents required for pre-registration/enrollment can be obtained via any of the following:
- A downloadable “Pre-Registration/Enrollment Packet” [English] [Español]
- August 1 - May 31-- A packet can be picked up at each school building office (see addresses to the right)
- June 1 - July 31--A packet can be picked up at the Corporation Office (see addresses to the right)
Packets are available in both English and Spanish
Office Locations
- (K-3) DeMotte Elementary School, 1000 S. Halleck St., DeMotte, IN 46310
- (K-3) Wheatfield Elementary School, 251 South Center Street, Wheatfield, IN 46392
- (Pre-K) Kankakee Valley High School, 3923 W. State Road 10, Wheatfield, IN 46392
- Corporation Offices, 2021 North 550 West, Wheatfield, IN 46392
New Students
Students who are new to Kankakee Valley Schools will need to complete New Student Enrollment. If your student will be attending 1-3 grade, visit our school boundry map to see which elementary school your student will attend. The school they attend will be determined by your home address.
For School start times see our building start times.
The documents required for pre-registration/enrollment can be obtained via any of the following:
- A downloadable “Pre-Registration/Enrollment Packet” [English] [Español]
- August 1 - May 31-- A packet can be picked up at each school building office (see addresses to the right)
- June 1 - July 31--A packet can be picked up at the Corporation Office (see addresses to the right)
Packets are available in both English and Spanish
Before your child can be pre-registered/enrolled, all completed forms must be submitted, and the following documentation must be included:
- New Student Pre-Registration/Enrollment Checklist
- New Student Pre-Registration/Enrollment Form
- Residency Verification Affidavit Form
- Including 2 Proof of residency items (e.g. Utility Bill, Driver’s License, etc.)
- See Residency Verification form for complete list of acceptable documentation
- Home Language Survey
- Child’s Birth Certificate
- Child’s Immunization Records
- Custody Paperwork (if applicable)
- Cooperative School Services move in notification (if applicable)
- Request for records
- Immunization Exemption Form (if applicable)
Office Locations
- (K-3) DeMotte Elementary School, 1000 S. Halleck St., DeMotte, IN 46310
- (K-3) Wheatfield Elementary School, 251 South Center Street, Wheatfield, IN 46392
- (Pre-K) Kankakee Valley High School, 3923 W. State Road 10, Wheatfield, IN 46392
- Corporation Offices, 2021 North 550 West, Wheatfield, IN 46392
Current Students
Families must complete online registration prior to the start of each school year. The online process is completed in Family Access. Completing registration works best on a computer, laptop, or chromebook. Do not use a mobile device. If you do not have access to a device please call your students school.
Using Family Access
To Log in: Go to the Kankakee Valley School Corporation website: www.kv.k12.in.us and click on the "Parents" menu at the top right. Select "Skyward Login".
Key Family Access Features for Parents
The following information is available to view:
- Student Information: Data the school has on record for your child.
- Attendance: A convenient calendar allows parents to review absences at a glance.
- Gradebook: Assignments, missing assignments, grades and previous marking period grades are available.
- Schedule: The period, class and teacher of your child are displayed. By clicking on a class, you can see your child’s daily assignments and grades. By clicking on a teacher name, you can send an email to him/her.
- Food Service: Parents can pre-pay their child’s food service account, view balances and see what your child purchased each day.
- Report Cards: Parents can view and print the current marking period report card.
- Message Center: View messages from the district, your child’s building, and individual teachers.
† Kankakee Valley School Corporation makes no representation that the family access server will be available at any given time. There will be times when the server is unavailable due to upgrades, maintenance and Internet outages.
* Family Access remains the property of Kankakee Valley School Corporation. Kankakee Valley School Corporation reserves the right to change, modify, revoke or suspend access at any time with or without notice for any unauthorized use.
Helping parents stay involved in their child’s education through the Internet!
- Family Access is a web-based tool parents can use to view their student’s information, grades, fees and much more.
- Family Access can be used from any computer connected to the Internet.
- Family Access is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.†
- Family Access is secure: parents may view only the student information for their household.
- Family Access is easy to use. Simply click on the description for the information you would like to view.
- Family Access is for you!
All student information remains confidential and secure and cannot be changed by users.
Helpful Tutorials about Family Access