Bullying and Harassment Policy
In compliance with House Enrolled Act No. 1423; Kankakee Valley Schools has developed a plan to prevent bullying in our schools. The plan addresses the four sections of Indiana’s anti-bullying legislation. Implementation of the plan is the responsibility of School Safety Specialists, Counselors, and Building Administrators.
Kankakee Valley Schools provides training to the school corporation’s employees and volunteers who have direct, ongoing contact with students concerning the schools bullying prevention policy, plans, and procedures. Students will also be introduced to an anti-bullying based curriculum.
Kankakee Valley Schools is committed to providing students a safe and nurturing environment. KVSC has implemented an anonymous reporting system for anyone who is a victim of bullying or witnesses bullying at school. The form allows students, parents, and any community member to anonymously report bullying through a link on the KVSC website. If you need to report a bullying incident, please click on the appropriate school building link below.
Kankakee Valley Intermediate School